For example, Play! has a Spring integration module for effortless integration of your application with Spring.
Today I added my own properties file to my Spring-powered Play! app.
It sounds very simple, just add the following lines to your
and use it in your beans:
However, when you run your application you get the error:
Invalid bean definition with name 'a' defined in resource loaded.
through SAX InputSource: Could not resolve placeholder
I spent some time trying to figure this out. Urrrghhhh.
Finally, I understood why this happens and how to avoid it.
The Play! Spring module uses a GenericApplicationContext and
problematically adds a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to it, allowing
you to substitute place holders with values in your application.conf
file. (I am not sure this feature is documented anywhere)
Now, when Spring invokes
AbstractApplicationContext.invokeBeanFactoryPostProcessors() it
invokes Play's PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer, which tries to convert $
{myapp.somekey} as well.
Since it can't find ${myapp.somekey} in application.conf the exception
is thrown.
The way to "fool" the PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer Play! adds is to
override your application's place holder prefix and suffix.
This can be done in your application-context.xml file, for example:
Now your application can read properties from any properties file you#[ ] #[myapp.somekey]